Pronar Trommel – Screen Topsoil

Pronar Trommels are heading out to screen topsoil as fast as we can get them in. They all come with clean design, non-plugging steel punch plate drum, smart feeder & the lowest feed height in the industry. CAT Tier 4 engines are misers on fuel and stay running in +36 C weather with no problems.…

Stationary Grizzly

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla laoreet libero ac risus laoreet, eget accumsan tellus commodo. Praesent consequat ante nec vulputate cursus. Morbi enim turpis, efficitur a pretium sed, sagittis semper ex. Vestibulum sed magna at massa sollicitudin ullamcorper ut sed nisl. Pellentesque ac nulla in ligula ultrices hendrerit eget sit amet massa.…